The Electoral Roll of a Church is simply the Church’s register of worshippers.
Joining the electoral roll is an important way of confirming your commitment to St Stephen’s community and to the vision of the church. And it also opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church of England, at Deanery, Diocesan and national levels. By being on the Roll, you become entitled to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, stand for election to the PCC and become a sidesman or sideswoman.
Every 6 years it has to be re-written to make sure it is fully up to date and represents the current congregation. 2025 is one of those years when we now have to form our new roll and the current one is destroyed.
So if you would like to be on the Electoral Roll, and I hope you will, please would you fill in the application form and e-mail to the Church office
Even if you know you are on our current roll, you still have to fill in an application form as your name isn’t carried forward from the old one. We start a new one completely from scratch.
The deadline for inclusion on the new roll is Sunday April 6th, 2025 The new roll will take effect from April 27th, 2025 and will be presented to the Church APCM on May 11th.
We're getting ready to apply for the A Rocha Bronze Award. In the preparatory application we scored Gold for Worship, Silver for Buildings, Land and Community, and Bronze for Lifestyle. So what have we done? One simple change is recycling all used coffee grounds from our post service refreshments into a dedicated garden compost bin.
Hurrah and enormous thanks to the Eco team for all their hard work.
Scruffy Church has returned!